Tuesday, May 31, 2011


London Dunaway


This was taken at 34 weeks along

 Born May 16
5:19 P.M.
6 lbs 11 oz
19 1/2 inch long

She is already a smiley girl

London's Birth Story:
When I went to the doctor my 38th week, the doctor told me that our baby was breech (bum first). I had two options: have a c-section or have the doctor try to turn her from outside my stomach (version). If the version was successful they would put me into labor then and if not do a c-section.  We opted for the version. So we went in May 16 (39 weeks). I had two doctors work on my stomach to try to manipulate her to turn and I'm not talking about softly pushing and nudging. I had two grown men pushing as hard as they physically could without hurting our baby. Luckily they had given me an epidural already. After about 15 minutes, the doctor said her bum was lodged too far into my pelvis, I had little fluid, and not much room for her to move. It was time to go have a birthday. So they wheeled me to the operating room and 10 minutes later we were parents. :) 

Notice her legs, this is the reason she would not turn. Her head was at the top of my ribs, her bum down, and her legs spread out like so and folded up to her ears.

Tyler was sweet enough to stay with me at the hospital while I was there. She looks just like her dad especially her cute (aka big) mouth ;)

2 days old

1 week old
I wish I could get a good picture of one of her big smiles. She loves to smile in her sleep especially after she is fed and changed. After being up all night every night these smiles make it all worth it.

2 Weeks Old
A little about London:
She has brown hair (kind of bald on top and lots in the back). She has Tyler's eye's (not sure on the color yet), palms, and mouth. My ears, fingers, and toes. The cutest little body.

London was the perfect name for our little girl. She brought the "London" weather to Utah. It has rained almost everyday since she was born. Tyler loves that it reminds him of England. 

London had her 2 week check up today. She has already gained a pound and grown 1/2 inch. She is 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long. 

She loves to squawk, grunt, and stretch. She loves to be held and cuddled. She loves to peek with one eye before deciding if she wants to fully wake up or go back to sleep. She hates the hic-ups and has them a couple times a day.

She loves her binky and already knows how to suck her thumb. She sleeps with her mouth open and sometimes drools if she is on her side.

London loves taking naps with dad
Penny (Tyler's mom) came and took some fun pictures of London

We love our sweet London

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