Saturday, July 23, 2011

2 Months

I can't believe our little girl is 2 months already. We went to the doctor this week and here are the results:

Weight: 11.4 lbs (58th percentile)
Height: 22 in (31st percentile, not surprising)
Head: 15.5 inches  (60th percentile)

It was so so sad to watch London get her shots.  She went from smiling to screaming higher and louder than she has ever cried before. She had the saddest little pucker face and whimpered that whole night. She finally calmed down and fell asleep after a nice warm bath and some snuggling.

A week later needless to say she is feeling much much better and happier. 

Tyler's birthday was on the 11th. We had a list of fun activities to do to celebrate and one on the list was to watch the Women's World Cup game. I was really hoping London would be a tennis player but I think she is already hooked on soccer. Look at that face. This is both of them watching the quarter finals USA vs Brazil.

We put London down for a nap one Sunday and when she woke up this is what we found...

Happy 2 Months to our sweet sweet girl.


  1. Love the pictures! Happy Birthday Tyler! London is looking so grown up!

  2. SO SO DARLING! She gets cuter and cuter every time we see her! Hope you are enjoying your new place!
